Sarah Garfinkel
Sarah Garfinkel
Writer, Editor, Teacher
Writer, Editor, Teacher
Hello, Reader! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I'm glad you're here.
I'm Sarah Garfinkel and I'm a writer, editor, and educator. I live in Google Docs and also San Francisco.
I write humor and satire for the New Yorker, McSweeney's, The Rumpus, and Electric Literature, among other fun publications. I'm at work on new creative nonfiction essays which can feel scary but mostly rewarding and fun! Sometimes I interview authors because I want to learn all their secrets. I'm also an assistant editor of "Funny Women" on The Rumpus.
I teach writing at Harvard University, Columbia University, Write the World, and 1:1. I've been lucky to work with students all over the world, both remotely and in-person. I love creating and adapting original curriculum for all ages. Genres of writing I teach include personal narrative, opinion/Op-ed, academic essay, college essay, and humor. I'm also developing curriculum for a few brand-new courses (ooh la la!).
If you found this page because you are looking for 1:1 college/graduate school essay coaching, upcoming writing workshops, and/or my humor/essay/Op-ed editing services, then please send a message via the form at the bottom of the page. Let me know which services interest you!
Humor & Satire
The New Yorker
Helpful Facts About Journaling
What I Imagine TV's "Mature Audiences" Are Like
Would-You-Rathers for Your Summer Vacation
What to Do with Your Hands in Photos
I'm a Teacher and I Do, in Fact, Live at School
Uses for the Bushel of Apples You Picked Last Weekend
I'm a Fairy Unicorn Ballerina, and This Job Is a Nightmare
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
You Have Reached the Turning-Thirty Helpline
Hallmark Presents: Eight Days of Passover Movies
A Conversation Between Two People on Yom Kippur Who Definitely Fasted
What Kind of Music Do You Like?
Times I've Silently Belted "Let it Go" to Cope With Corporate Culture
The Unrealized Potential of Dead Disney Moms
Weekly Humorist
"Don't Smile Until Thanksgiving" and Other Tips for New Teachers
Come Buy Our Grocery Store's Matzah That We Advertise for Any and All Jewish Holidays!
The Online Reviews I'm Endlessly Scrolling to Find
- included in Best of the Year Editor's Picks of 2021
How to Have a Super-Traditional Hanukkah That Is in NO Way Like Christmas
- included in Best of the Year Editor's Picks of 2020
Honest Spring Cleaning Intentions
How to Trick Your Hairdresser into Suggesting Bangs So You Don't Have to
- included in Best of the Year Editor's Picks of 2019
Heroic Cover-Up Stories for Embarrassing Injuries
Education & Culture
Harvard Graduate School of Education Centennial: 100 Stories of Impact
Irony Research
Journal of Child Language
GARFINKEL, S., ROWE, M., BOSACKI, S., & BANASIK-JEMIELNIAK, N. (2023). “Mom said it in quotation marks!” Irony comprehension and metapragmatic awareness in 8-year-olds. Journal of Child Language, 1-24. doi:10.1017/S0305000923000399
Teaching & Editing
Interested in my writing workshops or freelance editing/coaching services? Feel free to reach out via the form below.
Sarah Garfinkel © 2018